Kenwood Chef Stand Mixer for Baking - Stylish Food Mixer in White with K-beater, Dough Hook, Whisk and 4.6 Litre Bowl, 1000 W, KVC3100, White & KAX950ME Food Mincer Attachment
Kenwood Titanium Chef Baker XL, Kitchen Machine with K-Whisk, Stand Mixer with Kneading Hook, Whisk and 5L Bowl, KVC65.001WH, Power 1400W, White & KAX950ME Food Mincer Attachment
Kenwood Titanium Chef Baker XL, Kitchen Machine with K-Whisk, Stand Mixer with Kneading Hook, Whisk and 6,7L Bowl, KVL85.004SI Power 1400W, Silver & KAX950ME Food Mincer Attachment