The North Face Borealis Classic29 litre, 1010 g, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, Backpacks for Women, Pocket for laptop/tablet, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap …, Black, White, Silver …(1)£69.95Compare prices
The North Face Base Camp Fuse Box 30L30 litre, 964 g, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, Pocket for mobile phone, Black, White, Silver …£100.00Compare prices
The North Face Connector27.5 litre, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, Backpacks for Women, Black, Grey, Blue(1)£80.00Compare prices
The North Face Daypack Backpack17.9 litre, 660 g, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, Backpacks for Women, Waterproof, Wheels, Hydration system compatible, Black, White, Silver …£55.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Router (2020)35 litre, 1340 g, Laptop Backpacks, Pocket for laptop/tablet, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, Blue£140.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Terra 65L (2019)65 litre, 1980 g, Rucksacks, Backpacks for Men, Pocket for mobile phone, Hip strap, Black, Grey, Brown …£140.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Access 0222 litre, 1720 g, Chest strap, Black, Grey, Pink …£220.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Borealis (2021)27 litre, Laptop Backpacks, Rucksacks, Backpacks for Men …, Black, White, Silver …£89.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Vault (2015)28 litre, 890 g, Laptop Backpacks, Rucksacks, Backpacks for Men …, Pocket for laptop/tablet, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap …, Black, White, Silver …£49.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Kaban26 litre, 1210 g, Laptop Backpacks, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Black, Grey, Brown …£98.60Compare prices
‌The North Face Borealis Sling Backpack6 litre, Backpacks for Men, Black, White, Grey …£43.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Phantom 38L38 litre, 1975 g, Hip strap, Black, White, Grey …£160.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Basin 18L18 litre, Backpacks for Men, Black, White, Brown …£85.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Isabella (2017) (Women's)21 litre, 595 g, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Women, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Black, White, Silver …£58.81Compare prices
‌The North Face Tote Pack14.5 litre, 455 g, Laptop Backpacks, Black, White, Grey …£50.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Borealis (2019) (Women's)27 litre, 1200 g, Backpacks for Women, Chest strap, Black, White, Grey …£54.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Borealis (2015)28 litre, 1200 g, Laptop Backpacks, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, White, Silver …£54.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Surge (2015)30 litre, 1460 g, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Hip strap …, Black, White, Grey …£115.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Surge (2020)31 litre, 1440 g, Laptop Backpacks, School Backpacks, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, Grey, Blue …£120.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Borealis Mini10 litre, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, Black, White, Grey …£46.48Compare prices
‌The North Face Jester 26L Backpack26 litre, 794 g, Laptop Backpacks, Rucksacks, Backpacks for Men …, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Hip strap …, Black, White, Silver …£40.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Banchee 50L (2019)50 litre, 1503 g, Backpacks for Women, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, Silver, Grey …£100.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Trail Lite 50L50 litre, Rucksacks, Backpacks for Men, Backpacks for Women, Black, Grey, Brown …£69.90Compare prices
‌The North Face Borealis (2022) (Women's)Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Women, Pocket for laptop/tablet, Black, Grey, Beige£115.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Borealis ToteSynthetic, Pocket for laptop/tablet, Black, White, Silver …£53.82Compare prices
‌The North Face Borealis (2015) (Women's)25 litre, 1220 g, Backpacks for Women, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Hip strap …, Black, White, Grey …£98.99Compare prices
‌The North Face Borealis (2019)28 litre, 1220 g, Laptop Backpacks, Kids Backpacks, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, White, Silver …£90.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Borealis (2020)28 litre, 1050 g, Laptop Backpacks, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, White, Grey …£88.80Compare prices
‌The North Face Hot Shot (2016)33 litre, 1460 g, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, Grey, Brown …£89.99Compare prices
‌The North Face Rodey27 litre, 560 g, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, Backpacks for Women, Pocket for laptop/tablet, Pocket for mobile phone, Black, White, Silver …£47.80Compare prices
‌The North Face Jester (2018)26 litre, 820 g, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, Pocket for laptop/tablet, Chest strap, Black, White, Grey …£64.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Base Camp Tote19 litre, Pocket for mobile phone, Black, White, Grey …£80.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Terra 55L (2019)55 litre, 1701 g, Rucksacks, Backpacks for Women, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, Grey, Brown …£140.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Hydra 38L38 litre, 1020.5 g, Rucksacks, Backpacks for Women, Chest strap, Hip strap, Waterproof, Black, Silver, Grey …£140.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Vault (2020)26.5 litre, 760 g, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, Backpacks for Women …, Pocket for laptop/tablet, Chest strap, Black, White, Silver …£64.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Jester (2020)27.5 litre, 680 g, Backpacks for Men, Backpacks for Women, Chest strap, Black, White, Silver …£69.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Groundwork27.5 litre, 740 g, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, Chest strap, Black, Grey, Blue …£75.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Basin 36L36 litre, 1070 g, Rucksacks, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, White, Blue …£71.90Compare prices
‌The North Face Fall Line27.5 litre, 1049 g, Laptop Backpacks, School Backpacks, Pocket for laptop/tablet, Reflectors, Chest strap …, Black, Grey, Blue£76.69Compare prices
‌The North Face Slackpack 2.0 20L20 litre, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, Backpacks for Women, Black, White, Grey …£84.48Compare prices
‌The North Face Jester (2022) (Men's)28 litre, Laptop Backpacks, Backpacks for Men, School Backpacks, Black, White, Silver …£50.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Youth Jester Backpack (Jr)28 litre, Backpacks for Women, Kids Backpacks, Black, White, Grey …£50.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Recon (2015)30 litre, 1125 g, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Hip strap …, Black, White, Silver …(1)£89.99Compare prices
‌The North Face Vault (2015) (Women's)28 litre, Backpacks for Women, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Hydration system compatible, Black, White, Silver …£60.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Iron Peak28 litre, 1049 g, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, Grey, Blue …£738.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Surge (2018)31 litre, 1440 g, Pocket for laptop/tablet, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap …, Black, Grey, Turquoise …£115.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Mini Crevasse14.5 litre, 700 g, Pocket for mobile phone, Black, Grey, Turquoise …£80.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Chimera 24L24 litre, 596 g, Backpacks for Women, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, Grey, Blue …£54.99Compare prices
‌The North Face Chimera 18L18 litre, 511 g, , Hip strap, Black, Silver, Grey …£75.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Chimera 18L (Women's)18 litre, 483 g, Backpacks for Women, Hip strap, Turquoise, Blue, Red£75.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Chimera 24L (Women's)24 litre, 596 g, Backpacks for Women, Pocket for mobile phone, Chest strap, Hip strap, Black, Grey, Turquoise …£110.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Banchee 50L (2019) (Women's)50 litre, 1446 g, Backpacks for Women, Chest strap, Hip strap, Grey, Turquoise, Blue …£100.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Electra Daypack11 litre, Backpacks for Women, Black, White, Grey …£60.00Compare prices
‌The North Face Vault (2018)26.5 litre, 760 g, Backpacks for Men, Chest strap, Black, White, Grey …£60.00Compare prices
THE NORTH FACE Women's Borealis Backpack, TNF White Metallic Mélange/Mid Grey, One Size£115.00Visit shop