PriceSpy UK

How we calculate our deals


Daily Deals are a big deal on PriceSpy. We want you to be able to find the best deals every day. So, to find the best deals on the market, we closely follow price trends and analyse shops’ prices. When using PriceSpy, you should be able to trust that a deal really is a deal.

How we identify deals

✔︎ We follow price development for three months
✔︎ We analyse the entire market of seasonal, and popular categories
✔︎ We note that the product has a lower price than expected in relation to price trends

How Daily Deals work on PriceSpy

Our method for finding Daily Deals is based on price data. We chart the product’s lowest daily market price over three months to estimate a price trend. When the price is lower than the price trend, we call it a deal. 

This method allows us to find offers that really have a lower price level – for example, we detect when the price of a product is reduced immediately following a price increase, what is usually called a “fake sale”.

Our essential price history

It is difficult to know what the price of a product really is – perhaps the price usually decreases every sale period? Our price history gives you a clear picture of the price development over time. It includes all price changes, both up and down, for all shop prices associated with products on PriceSpy. The main graph in the price history shows the lowest price on the market, but you can also see the price development in individual shops. For example, by looking at the price history, you can determine whether a sale offer is truly as good as it seems – and make an informed decision.

The price history is only based on newly produced goods, not second-hand products, regardless of condition.

Price trends

To identify deals, we create a price trend based on the price history using linear regression. The price trend gives us insight into how the price of a product is developing in the market and an indication of an expected price for the day, which we compare with the actual lowest price of the day. When the price of a product is at least 5% lower than the expected minimum daily price, we categorise and mark the offer as a deal.

How we show deals

  • The product must be sold by at least three shops
  • The product must be in stock or available for pre-order
  • We only look for deals in seasonal and popular categories
  • We show, in percent, the price level below the price trend
  • If the shop informs us that they have a sale on, we will mark the price in red and show the earlier, non-promotional price and the discount rate in percent as communicated by the shop

PriceSpy calls it a deal, but the shop doesn’t have a sale on?

We classify the product price as a deal based on the price trend; it is not governed by the shop. This also means that the shops’ sale offers do not always end up on our deals page.

Get in touch!

It’s important to us that you understand how we work. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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