No Man's Sky (PC)Adventure, Strategy, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Flight simulator, Sandbox, Shooter, 7 years, Online Multiplayer, 2016(6)£14.90
Cyberpunk 2077 (PC)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Fighting, Shooter, Open world, Action, 18 years, 2020(19)£22.95
Sid Meier's Civilization VI (PC)Child-friendly, Strategy, Simulator, War, Sci-Fi, Historical, Tactics, Turn based, 12 years, Online Multiplayer, 2016(2)£3.64
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (PC)FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2018(5)£62.27
‌Batman: Arkham Knight (PC)Adventure, Sci-Fi, Beat 'em up, Arcade, Sandbox, Stealth, Third-person, Action, 18 years, 2015(4)£3.53
‌Dead Space 2 (PC)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Horror, Arcade, Survival, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Action, 18 years, 2011(6)£6.17
‌Command & Conquer - The Ultimate Collection (PC)Strategy, War, Sci-Fi, RTS, Tactics, Arcade, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2012(2)£9.99
‌Battlefield 5 (PC)Adventure, FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Puzzle, Arcade, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2018(44)£16.95
‌Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC)Child-friendly, Adventure, RPG, Sci-Fi, Third-person, Action, 13 years, 2003(6)£1.31
‌Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (PC)Adventure, Simulator, FPS, Sci-Fi, Flight simulator, Shooter, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2019£6.00
‌Final Fantasy XV - Windows Edition (PC)Adventure, RPG, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Fighting, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2017£9.49
‌Starcraft II - Battle Chest (PC)MMO, Adventure, Strategy, RPG, Sci-Fi, RTS, Tactics, Arcade, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2015(1)£29.86
‌The Sims 4Child-friendly, Simulator, Sci-Fi, Sandbox, Survival, First person, 12 years, 2014(19)£4.99
‌Left 4 Dead (PC)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Horror, Tactics, Arcade, Survival, Shooter, First person, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2008(16)£9.57
‌Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PC)Strategy, War, Sci-Fi, RTS, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 1996(1)£13.74
‌Batman: Arkham Origins (PC)Child-friendly, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Fighting, Beat 'em up, Arcade, Stealth, Third-person, Action, 16 years, 2013(1)£2.17
‌Space Engineers (PC)Adventure, Strategy, Simulator, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Sandbox, Action, 12 years, Online Multiplayer, 2013£3.96
‌Warhammer 40.000: Space Marine (PC)Adventure, Strategy, RPG, FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Puzzle, Arcade, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2011(2)£5.22
‌Alien: Isolation (PC)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror, Arcade, Survival, Shooter, Stealth, First person, Action, 18 years, 2014(1)£1.43
‌Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition (PC)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Turn based, Arcade, Action, 18 years, 2012(2)£4.34
‌Mass Effect: Andromeda (PC)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Shooter, Third-person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2017(9)£7.99
‌Sid Meier's Civilization V (PC)Strategy, War, Sci-Fi, Historical, Tactics, Turn based, Sandbox, 12 years, Online Multiplayer, 2010(14)£1.73
‌Star Wars: Battlefront II (PC)Adventure, Simulator, FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2017(41)£4.99
‌StarCraft: Remastered (PC)Strategy, War, Sci-Fi, RTS, Tactics, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2017£5.69
‌Fallout 3 (PC)Adventure, Strategy, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Shooter, Action, 18 years, 2008(16)£1.74
‌Mass Effect 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition (PC)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Action, 18 years, 2010£0.86
‌Armed and Dangerous (PC)Child-friendly, Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Shooter, Third-person, Action, 12 years, 1997£2.03
‌Sid Meier's Civilization IV (PC)Strategy, Simulator, War, Sci-Fi, Historical, Tactics, Turn based, 12 years, Online Multiplayer, 2005(6)£8.68
‌Crusader Kings II (PC)Child-friendly, Strategy, Simulator, RPG, War, Sci-Fi, Historical, RTS, Tactics, 12 years, Online Multiplayer, 2012(1)£1.38
‌Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PC)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Shooter, Stealth, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2015(6)£20.79
‌Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Premium Edition (PC)Strategy, RPG, Sci-Fi, Turn based, 16 years£27.86
‌Devastation (PC)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Shooter, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2003(1)£5.75
‌XCOM 2 (PC)Strategy, RPG, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, RTS, Tactics, Turn based, Arcade, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2016(4)£1.22
‌Fallout 76 (PC)MMO, Adventure, RPG, FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Sandbox, Survival, Shooter, Third-person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2018(17)£6.45
‌Auto Assault - Collector's Edition (PC)MMO, RPG, Racing, Sci-Fi, 12 years, Online Multiplayer, 2006£8.98
‌Fallout 4 VR (PC)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Sandbox, Survival, Shooter, Action, 18 years, 2018£10.00