Grand Theft Auto V (PC)Adventure, FPS, Arcade, Sandbox, Shooter, Third-person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2015(29)£17.99
Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC)Adventure, Arcade, Sandbox, Shooter, Third-person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2019(12)£26.49
No Man's Sky (PC)Adventure, Strategy, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Flight simulator, Sandbox, Shooter, 7 years, Online Multiplayer, 2016(6)£14.90
‌Cyberpunk 2077 (PC)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Fighting, Shooter, Open world, Action, 18 years, 2020(19)£22.95
‌Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (PC)FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2018(5)£62.27
‌Grand Theft Auto IV - Complete Edition (PC)Adventure, FPS, Arcade, Sandbox, Shooter, Third-person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2010(3)£38.94
‌Battlefield 4 (PC)Adventure, RPG, FPS, War, Arcade, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2013(88)£2.86
‌Dead Space 2 (PC)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Horror, Arcade, Survival, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Action, 18 years, 2011(6)£6.13
‌Max Payne 3 (PC)Adventure, FPS, Arcade, Shooter, Third-person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2012(12)£6.26
‌Call of Duty: Black Ops (PC)Adventure, FPS, War, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2010(54)£36.49
‌Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (PC)Adventure, FPS, Arcade, Shooter, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2010(1)£4.17
‌Delta Force Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre (Expansion) (PC)Strategy, FPS, War, Fighting, Tactics, Shooter, First person, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2006£4.01
‌Battlefield 5 (PC)Adventure, FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Puzzle, Arcade, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2018(44)£16.95
‌Doom Eternal (PC)FPS, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2020(7)£10.36
‌Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy (PC)Adventure, FPS, Arcade, Sandbox, Shooter, Third-person, Action, 18 years, 2009£59.99
‌Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (PC)Adventure, Simulator, FPS, Sci-Fi, Flight simulator, Shooter, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2019£6.00
‌Sniper Elite 4 - Deluxe Edition (PC)Adventure, FPS, Historical, Shooter, Stealth, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2017£7.37
‌Payday 2 (PC)FPS, Arcade, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2013(5)£0.44
‌Rise of the Tomb Raider - 20 Year Celebration Edition (PC)Adventure, FPS, Arcade, Shooter, Action, 18 years, 2016(1)£12.49
‌Tom Clancy's The Division 2 (PC)MMO, Adventure, RPG, FPS, Tactics, Survival, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2019(3)£11.31
‌Shadow of the Tomb Raider (PC)Adventure, FPS, Platform, Arcade, Survival, Shooter, Stealth, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2018(2)£17.49
‌Far Cry 5 (PC)Adventure, FPS, Sandbox, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2018(10)£17.99
‌Battlefield 1 (PC)Adventure, FPS, War, Historical, Arcade, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2016(40)£2.59
‌Left 4 Dead (PC)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Horror, Tactics, Arcade, Survival, Shooter, First person, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2008(16)£9.57
‌Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army (PC)Adventure, FPS, War, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2013£3.27
‌Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege (PC)FPS, Tactics, Arcade, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2015(8)£3.60
‌ArmA 3 (PC)Strategy, Simulator, FPS, War, Flight simulator, Tactics, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2013(3)£7.14
‌S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat (PC)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Horror, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2009(8)£1.48
‌Warhammer 40.000: Space Marine (PC)Adventure, Strategy, RPG, FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Puzzle, Arcade, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2011(2)£5.22
‌Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (PC)Adventure, FPS, Tactics, Sandbox, Shooter, Third-person, Open world, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2017(3)£15.99
‌Alien: Isolation (PC)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror, Arcade, Survival, Shooter, Stealth, First person, Action, 18 years, 2014(1)£1.43
‌Postal 2 (PC)Adventure, FPS, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2003£0.76
‌Mass Effect: Andromeda (PC)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Shooter, Third-person, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2017(9)£7.99
‌Star Wars: Battlefront II (PC)Adventure, Simulator, FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2017(41)£4.99
‌Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition (PC)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Horror, Arcade, Survival, Shooter, Open world, Action, 18 years, Online Multiplayer, 2016£11.49
‌Fallout 3 (PC)Adventure, Strategy, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Shooter, Action, 18 years, 2008(16)£1.74
‌Battlefield 3 - Premium Edition (PC)Adventure, FPS, War, Shooter, First person, Action, 16 years, Online Multiplayer, 2012(4)£13.03