Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Fighting, Puzzle, Shooter, First person, Open world, Action, 18 years, 2020(29)£12.99
Grand Theft Auto V - Premium Edition (PS4)Adventure, RPG, Fighting, Pinball, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Open world, Action, Grand Theft Auto (GTA), 18 years, 2018£14.99
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Shooter, First person, Open world, Action, 18 years, 2019(3)£3.32
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4)Strategy, FPS, War, Shooter, First person, 18 years, 2015(8)£12.49
‌Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (PS4)FPS, War, Shooter, First person, Action, Call of Duty, 18 years, 2017(1)£12.99
‌Call of Duty: Vanguard (PS4)FPS, Shooter, First person, Action, Call of Duty, 18 years, 2021(3)£19.99
‌Call of Duty: WWII (PS4)Adventure, FPS, War, Historical, Shooter, First person, Call of Duty, 18 years, 2017(12)£3.58
‌Doom Eternal (PS4)FPS, Sci-Fi, Puzzle, Survival, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2019(2)£8.74
‌Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (PS4)FPS, War, Shooter, First person, Action, Call of Duty, 18 years, 2016(5)£10.99
‌Bioshock: The Collection (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Horror, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2016(2)£8.00
‌Alien: Isolation (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Horror, Survival, Shooter, Stealth, First person, Action, 18 years, 2014(8)£16.40
‌Bravo Team (VR Game) (incl. Aim Controller) (PS4)Strategy, Simulator, FPS, RTS, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2018£150.00
‌Star Wars: Battlefront II (PS4)Adventure, Strategy, FPS, Sci-Fi, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Action, Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars, 16 years, 2017(34)£2.88
‌Dead Island 2 (PS4)RPG, FPS, Horror, Survival, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2015(1)£19.95
‌Metro Exodus - Aurora Limited Edition (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2019(1)£90.00
‌Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4)Adventure, FPS, War, Tactics, Shooter, First person, Action, Call of Duty, 18 years, 2014(12)£27.50
‌Sniper Elite 4 (PS4)Adventure, Sports, FPS, Historical, Tactics, Shooter, Stealth, Third-person, First person, Action, 16 years, 2017(3)£15.99
‌Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (PS4)Strategy, FPS, Fighting, Shooter, First person, Action, Call of Duty, 18 years, 2019(15)£19.95
‌Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (PS4)FPS, War, Historical, Shooter, First person, Action, Call of Duty, 18 years, 2020(5)£17.67
‌Firewall: Zero Hour (VR Game) (PS4)Strategy, Simulator, FPS, War, Tactics, Shooter, First person, Action, 16 years, 2018(4)£6.13
‌Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts (PS4)FPS, Platform, Shooter, Stealth, First person, Action, 18 years, 2019£6.99
‌Far Cry Primal (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Hunting/Fishing, Sandbox, Shooter, First person, Open world, Action, Far Cry, 18 years, 2016(8)£1.47
‌Eve Valkyrie (VR Game) (PS4)Child-friendly, Adventure, Strategy, Simulator, FPS, Sci-Fi, Flight simulator, RTS, Shooter, First person, 12 years, 2016£12.69
‌Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (PS4)FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Arcade, Shooter, First person, Action, Call of Duty, 18 years, 2018(4)£11.99
‌Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4)Adventure, FPS, War, Sci-Fi, Fighting, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2014(16)£17.99
‌Borderlands 3 (PS4)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2019(5)£5.99
‌The Outer Worlds (PS4)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2019(1)£13.00
‌Slime Rancher - Deluxe Edition (PS4)Child-friendly, Adventure, Simulator, FPS, Sandbox, Shooter, First person, Open world, 3 years, 2020£15.26
‌Metro: Exodus (PS4)Adventure, Strategy, FPS, Sci-Fi, Horror, Platform, Survival, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2019(8)£7.10
‌Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (VR Game) (PS4)Adventure, Simulator, FPS, Horror, Arcade, Survival, Shooter, First person, 18 years, 2016(1)£12.99
‌Doom VFR (VR Game) (PS4)Adventure, Simulator, FPS, Sci-Fi, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2017(1)£12.99
‌Dishonored - Definitive Edition (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Shooter, Stealth, First person, Action, 18 years, 2015(2)£5.12
‌Far Cry 6 (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Shooter, First person, Open world, Action, Far Cry, 18 years, 2021(1)£17.86
‌Prey (PS4)Adventure, Simulator, RPG, FPS, Sci-Fi, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2017(2)£12.99
‌ARK: Survival Evolved (PS4)MMO, Adventure, Simulator, RPG, Survival, Third-person, First person, Action, 16 years, 2017(1)£14.49
‌Battlefield 1 (PS4)Adventure, FPS, War, Historical, Shooter, First person, Action, Battlefield, 18 years, 2016(16)£2.20
‌Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Shooter, First person, Action, 18 years, 2017(4)£4.85
‌Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - Gold Edition (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Shooter, First person, Open world, Action, 18 years, 2019£22.81
‌Star Wars: Battlefront II - Elite Trooper Deluxe Edition (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Shooter, First person, Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars, 2017(4)Â
‌Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Pro Edition (PS4)FPS, Shooter, First person, Action, Call of Duty, 18 years, 2018Â