Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (PS4)Adventure, RPG, FPS, Tactics, Sandbox, Shooter, Stealth, Third-person, Action, 18 years, 2017(7)£2.03
Tom Clancy's The Division (PS4)MMO, Adventure, RPG, FPS, War, Fighting, Tactics, Shooter, Third-person, Open world, Action, 18 years, 2016(30)£3.90
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4)Adventure, FPS, War, Tactics, Shooter, First person, Action, Call of Duty, 18 years, 2014(12)£27.50
Sniper Elite 4 (PS4)Adventure, Sports, FPS, Historical, Tactics, Shooter, Stealth, Third-person, First person, Action, 16 years, 2017(3)£15.99
‌Firewall: Zero Hour (VR Game) (PS4)Strategy, Simulator, FPS, War, Tactics, Shooter, First person, Action, 16 years, 2018(4)£6.13
‌Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)Adventure, Simulator, RPG, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Fighting, Hunting/Fishing, Tactics, Music, Sandbox, Survival, Shooter, Stealth, Third-person, Action, 16 years, 2017(45)£12.99
‌Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience (PS4)Adventure, FPS, Sci-Fi, Tactics, Sandbox, Shooter, Stealth, Third-person, Open world, Action, 18 years, 2016(2)£14.99
‌Dynasty Warriors 9 (PS4)Adventure, Fighting, Tactics, Beat 'em up, Hack and Slash, Action, 16 years, 2018£16.99
‌Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence (PS4)Child-friendly, Strategy, RTS, Tactics, 12 years, 2015£18.99
‌XCOM 2 (PS4)Adventure, Strategy, RPG, Sci-Fi, RTS, Tactics, Turn based, Action, 16 years, 2016£12.99
‌Valkyria Chronicles Remastered (PS4)Strategy, RPG, Fantasy, RTS, Tactics, Action, 16 years, 2016£12.99
‌Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)Adventure, Tactics, Shooter, Stealth, Third-person, Open world, Action, 18 years, 2015(17)£16.99
‌Tom Clancy's The Division 2 (PS4)MMO, RPG, FPS, Platform, Tactics, Arcade, Sandbox, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Action, 18 years, 2019(3)£9.64
‌Desperados III (PS4)Child-friendly, Adventure, Strategy, RTS, Tactics, Shooter, Stealth, Third-person, Action, 12 years, 2019£9.95
‌Valkyria Chronicles 4 (PS4)Strategy, RPG, Sci-Fi, RTS, Tactics, Turn based, Third-person, 16 years, 2018£14.49
‌Watch Dogs (PS4)Adventure, Sci-Fi, Puzzle, Tactics, Sandbox, Shooter, Stealth, Third-person, Action, 18 years, 2014(27)£16.99
‌Zombie Army Trilogy (PS4)FPS, Horror, Tactics, Survival, Shooter, Stealth, Third-person, Action, 18 years, 2015(2)£19.99
‌South Park: The Fractured but Whole (PS4)Adventure, RPG, Fantasy, Tactics, Turn based, Arcade, 18 years, 2017(3)£11.53
‌Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Gold Edition (PS4)MMO, RPG, FPS, Tactics, Arcade, Sandbox, Shooter, Third-person, First person, Action, 18 years, 2019£12.95
‌Bladestorm: Nightmare (PS4)Strategy, Fantasy, Historical, Tactics, Beat 'em up, 16 years, 2015(1)£14.49
‌Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4)Adventure, Sci-Fi, Tactics, Shooter, Stealth, Action, 18 years, 2014(3)£17.99
‌Metal Gear Survive (PS4)Adventure, Strategy, FPS, Sci-Fi, Horror, Tactics, Sandbox, Survival, Shooter, Third-person, Open world, Action, 18 years, 2018(3)£9.20
‌Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (PS4)Child-friendly, Strategy, Sports, FPS, War, Platform, Tactics, Shooter, Action, 12 years, 2016£2.97
‌Battle Worlds: Kronos (PS4)Child-friendly, Strategy, War, Sci-Fi, RTS, Tactics, Turn based, 12 years, 2016£8.49
‌Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires (PS4)Adventure, Fighting, Tactics, Beat 'em up, Hack and Slash, 16 years, 2015(1)£20.99
‌Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance (PS4)Child-friendly, Strategy, RPG, Tactics, 12 years, 2015£25.95
‌South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Gold Edition (PS4)Adventure, RPG, Fantasy, Tactics, Turn based, Arcade, 2016£46.49