KEYESTUDIO BBC Micro:bit Starter Kit 37 in 1 Sensor Module Kit Work on MicroBit V1(include), Microbit V2, PDF Tutorial for Beginners to Learn Electronics for Microbit Kit
Adeept Microbit Sensor Starter Kit for BBC | Micro:bit Programmable Starter Kit for Micro:bit with 35 Projects PDF Tutorials Book | Micro:bit and Expansion Board Included
ELECFREAKS microbit Mini Cutebot Kit Compatible with BBC Micro:bit V2 and V1, DIY Programmable Robot Car Kit, STEM Educational Project, Graphical Makecode Coding Car with Tutorial (Without Micro:bit)
FREENOVE Super Starter Kit for BBC micro:bit (Not Included, Work with V1 & V2), 266-Page Detailed Tutorial, 191 Items, 38 Projects, Blocks and Python Code
GeeekPi BBC Micro:bit V2 Go Kit Original Microbit MB V2 Starter Kit,with BBC Micro:bit V2 Development Board,Battery Holder,2 AAA Batteries,Micro USB Cable for Coding and Programming
GeeekPi BBC microbit V2 Club Kit (10 Pack Micro:bit V2 Go Kit) with Official BBC Micro:bit V2 Development Board,Battery Holder,20 AAA Batteries,Micro USB Cable for Coding and Programming
HALJIA Smart Mini Robot Car Compatible with BBC Micro:bit V2, Electronic DIY Programmable Kit with Makecode and Python Programming, STEM Educational Project (Without Micro:bit)